When I first joined the company, Aires asked me to redesign their transferee experience. The first thing I wanted to do was conduct some user research through interviews and compile results of surveys the company received from previous transferees. Due to business constraints, the company asked that no features were added or taken away.
Affinity diagram of all the survey comments gathered from previous transferees. These affinity diagrams allowed us to see the major trends in the comments at a higher level.
Through the affinity diagram and interviews, the following discoveries were made:
The main reason transferees used the application was to fill out an expense form for reimbursement - however over half of the negative comments about the application had to do with the expense form process.
Most people thought the site looked outdated and was difficult to understand and use.
People had difficulties finding information that was important to them, which included: previous expense forms, status of their services, as well as documents needed for their move.
Many people did not receive a proper introduction to the application and felt it was easier to just call or email their contact person for help instead.
Most people did not make use of the external web resources that the company provided.
Old design of the transferee application. The main page was not organized in level of priority - leaving the user to look for what they need in the many tabs and layers within.
Floating "add expenses" button allows users to always have an easy access to completing an expense form, which is the most important feature for transferees.
The new landing page of the application.